Archive | Parasitic Protozoa

Life Cycle of Haemoflagellates (With Diagram)

Haemoflagellates has two stages in its life cycle: A. the amastigote form, occurring in man and B. the promastigote form occurring in sand-fly. A. Life cycle in Man: (a) Infection: L. donovani is transmitted to man by the sand-fly, Phlebotomus argentipes. In case of this parasite sand-fly acts as vector. The insect vector which has fed on some suitable fruit [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:16+00:00November 5, 2016|Parasitic Protozoa|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Haemoflagellates (With Diagram)

Life Cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about the life cycle of trypanosoma gambiense. Trypanosoma gambiense is digenetic; i.e., it completes its life cycle in two hosts. The primary or definitive host is man. The mammals, like pigs, buffaloes, antelopes often act as reservoir hosts harbouring the parasite. The intermediate host is blood sucking insect called tsetse fly (Glossina palpalis). Life [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:16+00:00November 5, 2016|Parasitic Protozoa, Protozoan Cell|Comments Off on Life Cycle of Trypanosoma gambiense (With Diagram)

Giardiasis in the Lumen Intestine | Parasitology

Giardia intestinalis inhabiting in the lumen of intestine is a cosmopolitan parasite causing chronic diarrhoea of acute type and leads to malabsorp­tion in the intestine. This Giardia infection retards growth and development of children. The disease has been referred as a Giardiasis and it also has been indicated as a Zoonosis.   Treatment of Giardiasis: i. Atebrin and acranil have [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:14:16+00:00November 5, 2016|Parasitic Protozoa|Comments Off on Giardiasis in the Lumen Intestine | Parasitology
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