Archive | Nucleotides

Describe the Parts of a Nucleotide | Biology

A nucleotide is composed of a nitrogenous base, pentose sugar and a phosphate group. Part # 1. A Nitrogenous Base: It is a nitrogen-containing organic molecule having similar physical properties of a base. There are two types of nitrogenous bases: (a) Purines Adenine and Guanine. (b) Pyrimidines Cytosine, Uracil and Thymine. Out of the pyrimidines, cytosine is common for both [...]

By |2016-10-20T07:52:42+00:00October 20, 2016|Nucleotides|Comments Off on Describe the Parts of a Nucleotide | Biology

Nucleotides: Meaning and Functions

In this article we will discuss about the meaning and functions of Nucleotides. Meaning of Nucleotides: Nucleotides are basic units of nucleic acids. They also form energy carriers. Certain nucleotides act as coenzymes. Some nucleotides function as chemical messengers. A nucleotide is a condensation product of three chemicals— a pentose sugar, phosphoric acid and a nitrogen base. Two types of [...]

By |2016-08-17T17:19:09+00:00August 17, 2016|Nucleotides|Comments Off on Nucleotides: Meaning and Functions
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