Archive | Micro Biology

Containers and Swabs Used for Collection of Specimens | Microbiology

Let us make an in-depth study of the containers and swabs used for collection of specimens. Containers used for microbiological investiga­tions should be sterile, leak-proof and strong. Each container should bear the name of the patient, from whom the specimen was collected and his case reg­ister number. The investigation requisition form should also accompany the specimen indicating the investi­gation required [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:20:43+00:00March 3, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Containers and Swabs Used for Collection of Specimens | Microbiology

Specimen and Laboratory Diagnostic Techniques | Microbiology

The following points will highlight the eight methods of collection of specimen and laboratory diagnostic techniques. The methods of collection of specimen are: 1. Respiratory Tract Infection 2. Infection of the Intestine 3. Infection of Urinary Tract 4. Meningeal Infection 5. Infection of Reproductive System 6. Wound Infection 7. Infection of the Conjunctiva and 8. Pyrexia of Unknown or Uncertain [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:20:43+00:00March 3, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Specimen and Laboratory Diagnostic Techniques | Microbiology

Sterilisation and Disinfection: Methods and Principles | Microbiology

Let us make an in-depth study of the methods and basic principles of sterilisation and disinfection. Sterilisation can be effected by the following methods: I. Physical Methods and II. Chemical Methods. Sterilisation and Disinfection: These two terms are used to describe the killing or removal of micro-organisms. The sterilisation is an absolute term which denotes the complete killing or removal [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:20:42+00:00March 3, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Sterilisation and Disinfection: Methods and Principles | Microbiology
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