Archive | Micro Biology

Environmental and Growth of Microorganisms | Microbiology

Let us make an in-depth study of the influence of environmental factors on the growth of microorganisms. The below given article will help you to learn about the following things: 1. Chemical Factors 2. Physical Factors and 3. Biological Factors.  A. Chemical Factors: (1) Nutrition; (2) Oxygen; (3) pH; (4) Surface active substances; (5) Phenols; creosols and derivatives; (6) Dyes; [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:21:01+00:00March 3, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Environmental and Growth of Microorganisms | Microbiology

Difference between Exotoxins and Endotoxins | Toxigenecity

The upcoming discussion will update you about the difference between the exotoxins and endotoxins. Difference # Exotoxins: 1. Composed of portions, have the properties of enzymes, some have been obtained in crystalline state. 2. Easily diffuse from the cell into the surrounding medium. 3. Highly toxic, characterised by the sensitive affection of certain organs and tissues. 4. Thermolabile 5. During [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:20:44+00:00March 3, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Difference between Exotoxins and Endotoxins | Toxigenecity

Containers and Swabs Used for Collection of Specimens | Microbiology

Let us make an in-depth study of the containers and swabs used for collection of specimens. Containers used for microbiological investiga­tions should be sterile, leak-proof and strong. Each container should bear the name of the patient, from whom the specimen was collected and his case reg­ister number. The investigation requisition form should also accompany the specimen indicating the investi­gation required [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:20:43+00:00March 3, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Containers and Swabs Used for Collection of Specimens | Microbiology
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