Archive | Micro Biology

Top 3 Experiments on Environmental Microbiology

The following points highlight the top three experiments on environmental microbiology. The experiments are: 1. Bacteriological Test for Water Pollu­tion Analysis 2. Membrane-Filter Technique for Bacteriological Examination of Water 3.Multiple Tube Method for Enumera­tion of Bacteria. Environmental Microbiology: Test # 1. Bacteriological Test for Water Pollu­tion Analysis: From bacteriological standpoint, water contains a number of pathogens along with many forms [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:24+00:00May 16, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Top 3 Experiments on Environmental Microbiology

Staining of Supplied Smears: 2 Methods

The following points highlight the two methods of staining of supplied smears. The methods are: 1. Albert's Stain 2. Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) or Acid-Fast Staining. Method # 1. Albert's Stain: Usually examinee is provided with a fixed smear prepared from C. diphtheriae grown usually on Loeffler's serum slope or occasionally from blood tellurite agar medium (Fig. 4.1C). If it is an [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:26+00:00May 12, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Staining of Supplied Smears: 2 Methods

Cultural Medium and Clinical Microbiology

The following points highlight the three types of cultural medium used in clinical microbiology. The types are: 1. Un-Inoculated Culture Medium 2. Inoculated Culture Medium Showing Colonies 3. Medium for Biochemical Identification Test . 1. Un-Inoculated Culture Medium: (A) Basal Medium: (l) Peptone water (Fig. 10.1) — almost colourless liquid, dispensed in 4" x ½” tube, properly cotton plugged. Composition [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:43:25+00:00May 12, 2016|Clinical Microbiology|Comments Off on Cultural Medium and Clinical Microbiology
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