Archive | Micro Biology

Hymenolepis Nana: Morphology and Life Cycle

In this article we will discuss about Hymenolepis Nana. Morphology of Hymenolepis Nana: H. nana (Fig. 107.21) is a cosmopolitan parasite. It is small and measures up to 25-40 mm in length by one mm in diameter. Its scolex (Fig. 107.22) is minute, rhomboidal and has four suckers and a short rectractile rostellum armed with 20-30 hooklets in one single [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:44+00:00May 16, 2016|Clinical Microbiology|Comments Off on Hymenolepis Nana: Morphology and Life Cycle

Preparation of Specimens for Microscopic Examination

The following points highlight the two techniques applied for the preparation of specimen for microscopic examination. The techniques are: 1. Hanging Drop Technique 2. Fixed and Stained Smears. Technique # 1. Hanging Drop Technique: Hanging drop or wet preparations permit examination of organisms in a normal living condition. A wet mount is made by placing a drop of fluid containing [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:41+00:00May 16, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Preparation of Specimens for Microscopic Examination

Top 3 Experiments on Medical Microbiology

The following points highlight the top three experiments on medical microbiology. The experiments are: 1. Procedure for Isolation and Identifica­tion of Escherichia Coli 2. Procedure for Isolation and Identifica­tion of Salmonella 3. Procedure for Isolation and Identification of Vibiro Cholarae. Medical Microbiology: Experiment # 1. Procedure for Isolation and Identifica­tion of Escherichia Coli: Principle: Tergitol - 7 agar medium (Sodium [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:34:40+00:00May 16, 2016|Micro Biology|Comments Off on Top 3 Experiments on Medical Microbiology
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