Archive | Micro Biology

Respiratory Tract Infection

The following points highlight the top four types of respiratory tract infection. The types are: 1. Infections of Throat and Pharynx 2. Infection of Middle Ear and Sinuses 3. Infection of Trachea and Bronchus 4. Infections of Lungs. Respiratory Tract Infection: Type # 1. Infections of Throat and Pharynx: Sore Throat: It is an acute pharyngitis and/or tonsillitis; causes: A. [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:05+00:00May 16, 2016|Clinical Microbiology|Comments Off on Respiratory Tract Infection

Common Nosocomial Infections: Types and Prevention

In this article we will discuss about Common Nosocomial Infections:- 1. Types of Common Nosocomial Infections 2. Prevention of Common Nosocomial Infections. Types of Common Nosocomial Infections: 1. Urinary tract infection: About 40% of hospital acquired infections occur in the urinary tract and are usually associated with catheterisation and instrumentation of urethra, bladder or kidneys. Initial infection is caused by [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:05+00:00May 16, 2016|Clinical Microbiology|Comments Off on Common Nosocomial Infections: Types and Prevention

Short Notes on Meningitis | Clinical Microbiology

The below mentioned article provides a short note on Meningitis. Introduction: Leptomeningitis is an inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord (para-arachnoid). It may be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Infection may occur either through the blood (blood borne) or by direct spread along sinuses and veins from other parts of the body. Acute pyogenic [...]

By |2016-05-16T05:37:05+00:00May 16, 2016|Clinical Microbiology|Comments Off on Short Notes on Meningitis | Clinical Microbiology
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