Archive | Mineral Metabolism

Trace Elements Present in Human Body | Mineral Metabolism

The following points highlight the eleven main trace elements present in human body. The trace elements are: 1. Iron 2. Copper 3. Iodine 4. Fluorine 5. Zinc 6. Cobalt 7. Manganese 8. Molybdenum 9. Selenium 10. Chromium 11. Lead. Human Body: Trace Element # 1. Iron: The total iron content of the normal adult is about 4 to 5 gm. [...]

By |2016-07-30T17:19:25+00:00July 30, 2016|Mineral Metabolism|Comments Off on Trace Elements Present in Human Body | Mineral Metabolism

Mineral Metabolism: Macronutrients and Importance

The below mentioned article provides a short note on the Mineral Metabolism:- 1. Introduction to Minerals 2. Principal Mineral Elements (Macronutrients) 3. Trace Elements 4. Physiological Importance. Introduction to Minerals: The mineral elements present in the animal body is supplied by the diet. In poor diets consumed by a large majority in India and other developing counĀ­tries, there occurs commonly [...]

By |2016-07-30T17:19:22+00:00July 30, 2016|Mineral Metabolism|Comments Off on Mineral Metabolism: Macronutrients and Importance
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