Archive | Medicine

Classification of Antihypertensive Drugs | Medical Science

Antihypertensive drugs fall into the following four major categories according to their site of action, but there is considerable overlap: 1. Sympathetic Inhibitors 2. Vasodilators 3. Captopril 4. Diuretics. 1. Sympathetic Inhibitors: A. Central and Peripheral Inhibitors: i. Rauwolfia Group of Drugs: These are useful in mild to moderate hypertension. Rauwolfia serpentina is used in the form of dried extract, [...]

By |2018-03-06T06:24:21+00:00March 6, 2018|Hypertensive Drugs|Comments Off on Classification of Antihypertensive Drugs | Medical Science

Choosing between Traditional and Modern Medicine

Choosing between Traditional and Modern Medicine! A pragmatic and realistic view has to be taken of the place and position of TMs for the healthcare of the community by drawing a proper balance between the use of traditional medicines vs the modern drugs in specific situations. What is imĀ­portant is the interest of the patient and not the promotion of [...]

By |2016-03-09T06:50:09+00:00March 9, 2016|Medicine|Comments Off on Choosing between Traditional and Modern Medicine
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