Archive | Phylum Mollusca

Nervous System of Phylum Mollusca

The nervous system in Molluscs (Figs. 16.68-16.70) presents numerous diversities. It exhibits gradual coming up of complexi­ties from simple to complex which can be marshalled into one perspective—the nerv­ous co-ordination. Prior to the description of the nervous system in different forms of Molluscs a basic plan of the Molluscan nerv­ous system is to be considered first. Hypothetical Plan of Molluscan [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:34:09+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Mollusca|Comments Off on Nervous System of Phylum Mollusca

Respiratory Organs of Phylum Mollusca and Its Modification

1. Skin and mantle. 2. Molluscan gills or ctenidia or branchiae and 3. Lungs or pulmonary sac. The outer covering of the body (skin) and mantle usually act as accessory respiratory organs. 1. Skin and Mantle — as Respiratory Organs: Skin appears to be the simplest type of respiratory structure encountered in Mol­luscs. It acts as a respiratory organ in [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:34:09+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Mollusca|Comments Off on Respiratory Organs of Phylum Mollusca and Its Modification

Economic Importance of Phylum Molluscs

1. Edible Molluscs: (i) Edible Oysters: From ancient times the Romans and Greeks used the oysters as a main dish in their meals. The Red Indians were great oyster eaters. The maximum amount of oys­ter meats are collected from two genera— Ostrea and Crassostrea, which belong to the family Ostreidae and class Bivalvia. In Japan, United States and Europe over [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:34:09+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Mollusca|Comments Off on Economic Importance of Phylum Molluscs
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