Archive | Cockroach

3 Main Species of Cockroach (With Diagram)

The following points highlight the three main species of cockroach. The species are: 1. Periplaneta Australasiae 2. Blatta Orientalis 3. Blatella Germanica. Cockroach: Species # 1. Periplaneta Australasiae: Periplaneta australasiae (Fig. 73.40 B) is commonly known as Australian cockroach. It was originally a native of Africa but, like other cockroaches, it has now spread to the whole of the world. [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Cockroach|Comments Off on 3 Main Species of Cockroach (With Diagram)

Reproductive System of Cockroach (With Diagram)

In this article we will discuss about the reproductive system of cockroach. Male Reproductive Organs of Cockroach: The male reproductive system of cockroach consists of a pair of testes, vasa deferentia, an ejaculatory duct, utricular gland, phallic gland and the external genitalia. (i) Testes: There is a pair of three-lobed testes lying dorsolaterally in the 4th and 5th abdominal segments, [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Cockroach|Comments Off on Reproductive System of Cockroach (With Diagram)

Receptor Organs of Cockroach

Cockroach bears several types of receptor organs likes other insects to perceive different types stimuli like touch, smell, taste, sound, change in temperature and light. From these all, except the receptors for light—the photoreceptors, i.e., eyes, are found situated in the epidermis of the integument and in fact they are modified epidermal cells called sensillae. Sensillae: A sensilla is the [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:47:19+00:00May 2, 2016|Cockroach|Comments Off on Receptor Organs of Cockroach
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