Archive | Arthropoda

Economic Importance of Arthropoda | Hindi | Invertebrates | Zoology

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the economic importance of arthropoda. प्राणिजगत् के कुल प्राणियों में से लगभग 75% आर्थोपोडा समूह के है । आर्थोपोडा में कुल चार प्रकार के जन्तु-समूहों का समावेश है: 1. वर्ग-क्रस्टेशिया (Crustacea): केकड़े, झिंगे, आदि । 2. वर्ग-मिरिआपोडा (Myriapoda): सेन्टीपीड, मिलीपीड आदि। 3. वर्ग-इन्सेक्टा (Insecta): कॉकरोच, मच्छर, मक्खी, खटमल, जूं, मधुमक्खी, रेशम एवं [...]

By |2017-03-08T18:37:42+00:00March 8, 2017|Arthropoda|Comments Off on Economic Importance of Arthropoda | Hindi | Invertebrates | Zoology

Arthropoda: Characters and Classifications | Invertebrate Zoology

In this article we will discuss about Arthropoda:- 1. General Characters of Arthropoda 2. Classification of Arthropoda. General Characters of Arthropoda: 1. Arthropods are triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, metamerically segmented animals. 2. Body of Arthropoda is covered with a thick chitinous cuticle forming an exoskeleton. 3. Body segments usually bear paired lateral and jointed appendages. 4. Musculature is not continuous but [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:45:54+00:00May 2, 2016|Arthropoda|Comments Off on Arthropoda: Characters and Classifications | Invertebrate Zoology

Larval Forms Found in Crustacea | Invertebrate Zoology

The following points highlight the nine important larval forms found in Crustacea. The larval forms are: 1. Nauplius Larva 2. Metanauplius Larva 3. Protozoaea Larva 4. Zoaea Larva 5. Cypris Larva 6. Mysis or Schizopod Larva 7. Megalopa Larva 8. Phyllosoma Larva 9. Alima Larva. Larval Form # 1. Nauplius Larva: Nauplius larva is egg-shaped and un-segmented. It has a [...]

By |2016-05-02T10:45:54+00:00May 2, 2016|Arthropoda|Comments Off on Larval Forms Found in Crustacea | Invertebrate Zoology
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