Archive | Inheritance in Humans

Recessive Mode of Inheritance | Genetics

The most fre­quent combinations of the X-linked recessive mode of inheritance are as follows: 1. The mother is homozygous and nor­mal (XX); the father is hemizygous and affect­ed (X'Y). (Here X' indicates the chromosome carrying the defective gene and X indicates the normal chromosome). All of the sons of this union will be normal and they will inherit the normal [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:34:23+00:00December 12, 2016|Inheritance in Humans|Comments Off on Recessive Mode of Inheritance | Genetics

3 Main Types of Inheritance | Genetics

The following points highlight the three main types of inheritance with its characteristics. The types are: 1.  Autosomal Dominant Inheritance 2. Autosomal Recessive Inheritance 3. Polygenic Disorders and Multifactorial Inheritance. Type # 1. Autosomal Dominant Inheritance: Farabee in 1905 gave the first description of a pedigree showing brachydactyly (short fingers and toes), an autosomal dominant trait. Some more examples are [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:24:34+00:00December 12, 2016|Inheritance in Humans|Comments Off on 3 Main Types of Inheritance | Genetics

The Inheritance of Blood Groups in Human: An Overview

The below mentioned article provides an overview on the inheritance of blood groups in man. Generally a gene has two alternative forms or alleles, one in each of the homologous chromosomes. If a gene has more than two alleles, it is known to exhibit multiple alleles. Multiple alleles arise by mutation of the wild type gene and occupy the same [...]

By |2015-10-26T17:32:45+00:00October 24, 2015|Inheritance in Humans|Comments Off on The Inheritance of Blood Groups in Human: An Overview
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