Archive | Biodiversity

Biodiversity in India

After reading this article you will learn about: 1. Introduction to Biodiversity 2. India as Mega Diversity Nation 3. Our Common Plants 4. Our Common Animals 5. Endangered Plants and Animals. Introduction to Biodiversity: India is one of the world's most biologically and culturally diverse countries. It is also one of the poorest in terms of per capita income. The [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:43+00:00December 13, 2016|Biodiversity|Comments Off on Biodiversity in India

Loss of Biodiversity in India: 13 Causes

This article throws light upon the causes of loss of biodiversity in India. Some of the causes are: 1. Habitat Fragmentation 2. Introduced Species 3. Overexploitation of Plant and Animal Species 4. Pollution of Soil, Water and Atmosphere 5. Global Climate Change 6. Ignorance about Species and Ecosystems and Loss of Traditional Knowledge 7. Unplanned Development 8. Economic Systems and [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:43+00:00December 13, 2016|Biodiversity|Comments Off on Loss of Biodiversity in India: 13 Causes

Growth of Bio Prospecting in India | Biodiversity

After reading this article you will learn about the growth of bio prospecting in India. Agriculture accounts for 30% of India's GDP and employs over 60% of the workforce'. Since such a high proportion of the population depends on the viability of subsistence and other agricultural systems oriented towards staple foods, it is essenĀ­tial that devoting land and resources towards [...]

By |2016-12-13T19:11:43+00:00December 13, 2016|Biodiversity|Comments Off on Growth of Bio Prospecting in India | Biodiversity
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