Archive | Human Diseases

Modern Investigative Procedures for Diseases | Humans | Medical Science

There has been a revolution in investigative procedure during recent years with the availability of ultrasound imaging, computed tomography, radioisotope scanning, percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), upper gastrointestinal endoscopy using flexible fiber optic endoscopes, colonoscopy and retrograde endoscopic pancreatic cholangiography (ERPC). Majority of these procedures are atraumatic. Most of them are, however, expensive and demand sophisticated technology and are not freely [...]

By |2018-03-06T06:24:22+00:00March 6, 2018|Human Diseases|Comments Off on Modern Investigative Procedures for Diseases | Humans | Medical Science

Diseases of Pleura (With Treatment) | Humans | Medical Science

Each lung is covered by a double-layer serous membrane with a potential space between the two layers. The outer or parietal layer covers the inside of chest wall and superior surface on diaphragm and is sensitive to pain; the inner or visceral wall covers the lungs and its fissures but insensitive to pain. The parietal layer is supplied by blood [...]

By |2018-03-06T06:24:21+00:00March 6, 2018|Respiratory Diseases|Comments Off on Diseases of Pleura (With Treatment) | Humans | Medical Science

Diseases Caused by Mosquitoes | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the diseases caused by mosquitoes. The diseases are: 1. Yellow Fever 2. Dengue Fever 3. Chikungunya. Disease # 1. Yellow Fever: It is transmitted by Aedes and other mosquitoes and is an acute specific viral fever of short duration, varying in severity. The severe cases are characterised by toxic jaundice, albuminuria and haemorrhages [...]

By |2018-02-20T17:57:52+00:00February 20, 2018|Human Diseases|Comments Off on Diseases Caused by Mosquitoes | Biology
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