Archive | Human Body

Factors Controlling Calcification of Bones | Tissues | Human | Biology

In this article we will discus about the factors controlling calcification of bones in humans. Also learn about the proportion of inorganic compounds in bone. i. Protein constituent of the cartilage has got affinity towards Ca++ and adsorbs calcium readily. However this favours the deposition of calcium as tricalcium phosphate. ii. Reduction of protein concentration in the blood and also [...]

By |2017-07-24T10:56:48+00:00July 24, 2017|Bones Calcification|Comments Off on Factors Controlling Calcification of Bones | Tissues | Human | Biology

Bone Cells: 3 Main Types of Bone Cells (With Diagram) | Human | Biology

There are three types of bone cells present in human body: 1. Osteo­blast 2. Osteocyte 3. Osteoclast. Bone Cell # 1. Osteoblast: This is concerned with bone formation and is found in the growing surface where the bony matrix is deposited. This cell is strongly baso­philic and cuboidal or pyramidal in shape and its nucleus is large with a single [...]

By |2017-07-24T10:56:48+00:00July 24, 2017|Bone Cells|Comments Off on Bone Cells: 3 Main Types of Bone Cells (With Diagram) | Human | Biology

Metabolism of Iron in Human Body (With Diagram) | Biology

In this article we will discuss about the metabolism of iron in human body with the help of suitable diagram. Distribution of Iron: Iron is distributed in the body: (a) As iron porphyrins in haemoglobin, myoglobin, and also (b) As iron enzymes in catalase, cytochrome and peroxidases. Besides these, the iron is also present as non-iron porphyrins in trans­ferrin, ferritin [...]

By |2017-07-24T10:56:42+00:00July 24, 2017|Metabolism of Iron|Comments Off on Metabolism of Iron in Human Body (With Diagram) | Biology
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