Archive | Roses

8 Main Steps for Growing Roses | Horticulture

The article throws light upon the eight main steps for growing roses. The steps are: 1. Situation 2. Soil 3. Layout 4. Planting 5. Propagation 6. Manuring 7. Irrigation 8. Pruning. Step # 1. Situation: The ideal position for planting roses is sunny, open and protected by hedge, fence or building against strong winds. It should be quite away from [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:04:44+00:00November 5, 2016|Roses|Comments Off on 8 Main Steps for Growing Roses | Horticulture

Major Insects, Pests and Diseases found in Roses | Horticulture

After reading this article you will learn about the major insects, pests and diseases found in roses. Insect-Pests found in Roses: White ants: They attack the plants and damage the root system and slowly plants die completely. White ants can be controlled by applying 5% B.H.C. and 5% DDT @2.5- 5 g/pit at the time of planting. Red scale: This [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:04:43+00:00November 5, 2016|Roses|Comments Off on Major Insects, Pests and Diseases found in Roses | Horticulture

Top 5 Groups of Roses | Horticulture

The article throws light upon the top five groups of roses. The groups are: 1. Hybrid Tea’s (H.T.) 2. Floribundas 3. Climbers 4. Miniature Roses 5. Shrub Roses. Group # 1. Hybrid Tea's (H.T.): As the name indicates, the varieties of this group have been obtained by crossing between hybrid perpetuals and Tea roses of China. The first variety 'La [...]

By |2016-11-05T04:04:43+00:00November 5, 2016|Roses|Comments Off on Top 5 Groups of Roses | Horticulture
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