Archive | Engineering

Selectable Marker Genes and Reporter Genes

The marker genes are of two types: I. Selectable marker genes. II. Reporter genes. Type # I. Selectable Marker Genes: The selectable marker genes are usually an integral part of plant transformation system. They are present in the vector along with the target gene. In a majority of cases, the selection is based on the survival of the transformed cells [...]

By |2015-10-16T09:39:04+00:00September 29, 2015|Engineering|Comments Off on Selectable Marker Genes and Reporter Genes

Genetic Engineering of Plants: An Overview

This article provides an overview on genetic engineering of plants. By the conventional plant breeding techniques, significant achievements have been made in the improvement of several food crops. These age- old classical methods, involving gene transfer through sexual and vegetative propagation, take very long time. For instance, about 6-8 years may be required to develop a new rice or a [...]

By |2015-10-16T09:39:09+00:00September 29, 2015|Engineering|Comments Off on Genetic Engineering of Plants: An Overview

Top 7 Techniques Used in Genetic Engineering

This article throws light upon the top seven techniques used in genetic engineering. The seven techniques are: (1) Agarose Gel Electrophoresis (2) Isolation and Purification of Nucleic Acids (3) Isolation of Chromosomes (4) Nucleic Acid Blotting Techniques (5) DNA Sequencing (6) Alternative Methods of DNA Sequencing and (7) Chemical Synthesis of DNA. Technique # 1. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis: Electrophoresis refers [...]

By |2015-09-29T17:01:47+00:00September 15, 2015|Engineering|Comments Off on Top 7 Techniques Used in Genetic Engineering
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