Archive | Fungi

General Features of Lower Fungi

In this article we will discuss about the general features of lower fungi. The lower fungi comprise the simplest and the primitive group of true fungi represented by about 1,500 species. The majority of these are aquatic (Saprolegnia), some are amphibious (Phytophthora) and some terrestrial (Rhizopus). They live either as strict parasites or saprophytes. Strictly parasitic species live on algae, [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:39+00:00November 28, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on General Features of Lower Fungi

Pythium: Economic Importance and Occurrence | Oomycetes

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Occurrence of Pythium 2. Predisposing Factors of Pythium Debaryanum 3. Mode of Infection 4. Symptoms 5. Economic Importance 6. Salient Features. Occurrence of Pythium: P. debaryanum is the classic example of the most common species of Pythium which causes the widespread "damping off" disease of tobacco, tomato, mustard, chillies and cress seedlings. [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:38+00:00November 28, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Pythium: Economic Importance and Occurrence | Oomycetes

Zygomycetes: Features and Classification| Fungi

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Zygomycetes 2. Distinctive Features of Zygomycetes 3. Classification. Introduction to Zygomycetes: The class zygomycetes derives its name from the thick-walled resting spores, the zygospores formed as a result of the complete fusion of the protoplasts of two equal or unequal gametangia. It comprises 450 species which are grouped under 70 [...]

By |2016-11-28T11:34:38+00:00November 28, 2016|Fungi|Comments Off on Zygomycetes: Features and Classification| Fungi
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