Archive | Thalamus

Thalamus of a Flower (With Diagram) | Botany

In this article we will discuss about the thalamus of a flower. The thalamus is the short abbreviated axis bearing the four sets of floral leaves. It is the swollen end of the peduncle or pedicel with four nodes and very much compressed internodes. The floral leaves remain inserted on the nodes in whorls or spirally. The axis nature of [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:05:46+00:00August 30, 2016|Thalamus|Comments Off on Thalamus of a Flower (With Diagram) | Botany

Thalamus: Insertion of Floral Leaves on Thalamus (With Diagrams)

In the below mentioned article, we will discuss about the insertion of floral leaves on thalamus. Thalamus (also called torus) is the axis of the floral shoot which is the direct pro­longation of the pedicel and bears four sets of floral members. Usually, it is a slightly swollen knob-like structure but sometimes it may be somewhat elongated and conical bearing [...]

By |2015-10-16T11:04:52+00:00October 15, 2015|Thalamus|Comments Off on Thalamus: Insertion of Floral Leaves on Thalamus (With Diagrams)
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