Archive | Plant Tissues

Essay on the Classification of Meristems | Plant Tissues | Botany

In this essay we will discuss about the classification of meristems.  Essay # 1. Classification on the Basis of Deve­lopment: Promeristem or Primordial Meristem: It is the very fundamental stage of meristem action. It initiates new organs and tissues, it is also known as embryonic meristem. It comprises the apical initials and their immediate derivatives. As soon as the cells [...]

By |2017-04-11T09:15:51+00:00April 11, 2017|Plant Tissues|Comments Off on Essay on the Classification of Meristems | Plant Tissues | Botany

Permanent Tissues in Plants | Essay | Plant Anatomy | Botany

In this essay we will discuss about the simple and complex permanent tissues found in plants. Essay # 1. Simple Tissues: Simple tissues are composed of same type of cells, and thus are homogeneous in nature. The complex tissues, on the other hand, are heterogeneous, being com­posed of different types of cells. The third group of permanent tissue is the [...]

By |2017-04-11T09:15:51+00:00April 11, 2017|Plant Tissues|Comments Off on Permanent Tissues in Plants | Essay | Plant Anatomy | Botany

Essay on Collenchyma Tissue | Tissues | Plant Anatomy | Botany

Read this essay to learn about:- 1. Origin and Distribution of Collenchyma Tissue 2. Cell Structure 3. Functions. Essay # 1. Origin and Distribution of Collenchyma Tissue: Ontogenetically, collenchyma cells develop from certain elongated cells resembling procambium which are formed in the very early stages of differentiation of the meristem. Some­times less specialised collenchyma originates from the ground meristem. Some [...]

By |2017-04-11T09:15:50+00:00April 11, 2017|Plant Tissues|Comments Off on Essay on Collenchyma Tissue | Tissues | Plant Anatomy | Botany
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