Archive | Enzyme Technology

FAQs on Enzyme Technology | Microbiology

Everything you need to know about enzyme technology. Some of the most frequently asked questions are as follows:- Q.1. How have new strains of yeast been possible by recombinant DNA technology? Ans: The new strains of yeasts which show amylolytic activity have been prepared using recombinant DNA technology. To achieve this objective glucoamylase genes from Aspergillus, β-1, 3/1, 4- glucanase [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:13+00:00December 20, 2016|Enzyme Technology|Comments Off on FAQs on Enzyme Technology | Microbiology

Medical Applications of Enzymes in Analysis and Therapy | Microbiology

In this article we will discuss about the medical applications of enzymes in analysis and therapy. About 50 different enzymes are being used for clinical diagnoses. Two of the major enzymes are peroxidases from horseradish and alkaline phosphatase from beef intestinal mucosa. Both of these are required for immunoassays. The enzymes are used in test strips, EL1SA, biosensors and auto-analyzers. [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:12+00:00December 20, 2016|Enzyme Technology|Comments Off on Medical Applications of Enzymes in Analysis and Therapy | Microbiology

Enzyme Technology: Application and Commercial Production of Enzymes

Read this article to learn about the application and commercial production of enzymes in the field of enzyme technology. Enzymes are the biocatalysts synthesized by living cells. They are complex protein molecules that bring about chemical reactions concerned with life. It is fortunate that enzymes continue to function (bring out catalysis) when they are separated from the cells i.e. in [...]

By |2015-09-29T17:01:35+00:00September 21, 2015|Enzyme Technology|Comments Off on Enzyme Technology: Application and Commercial Production of Enzymes
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