Archive | Economic Botany

Top 13 Spices Obtained from Fruits | Economic Botany

The following points highlight the top thirteen spices obtained from fruits. The spices are: 1. Celery 2. Sweet Pepper 3. Red Pepper, Chillies 4. Caraway 5. Coriander 6. Cumin 7. Fennel 8. Allspice 9. Anise 10. Indian Long Pepper 11. Black Pepper 12. Ammi 13. Vanilla. Spice # 1. Celery: Apium graveolens Linn. var. dulce DC.; English—Celery, celery seed, garden [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:09:34+00:00September 16, 2016|Spices|Comments Off on Top 13 Spices Obtained from Fruits | Economic Botany

Top 8 Spices Obtained from Seeds | Economic Botany

The following points highlight the top eight spices obtained from seeds. The spices are: 1. Bengal Cardamom 2. White Mustard 3. Indian Mustard 4. Black Mustard 5. Black Cumin 6. Poppy Seeds 7. Pomegranate 8. Fenugreek. Spice # 1. Bengal Cardamom: Amomum aromaticum Roxb; English—Bengal cardamom, Nepal cardamom; Hindi—Bari elaichi; Marathi— Veldode; Family—Zingiberaceae. It is a perennial herb, grown in [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:09:31+00:00September 16, 2016|Spices|Comments Off on Top 8 Spices Obtained from Seeds | Economic Botany

Nutmeg and Mace (With Diagram)| Economic Botany

Mynsticafragrans Houtt.; English—Nutmeg tree; Hindi—Jaiphal (fruit kernel), Japatri (aril)- Bengali—Jaiphal (nut), jotri (aril); Punjabi—Japhal (nut), jauntari (aril); Marathi—Jaiphala (fruit) jayapatn (aril); Gujarati—Jayephal (nut), javantari, japatri (aril); Tamil—Jadikkay (nut), jadi-pattiri (aril); Telugu—Zevangam, jajikaya (nut), japatri (aril); Malayalam—Jatikka (nut), jati-pattiri (aril); Sanskrit—Jajiphalam (nut), jajipatri (aril); Family— Myristicaceae. It is native of the Moluccas Islands. In India, it is grown in the Nilgiris, [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:09:29+00:00September 16, 2016|Economic Botany|Comments Off on Nutmeg and Mace (With Diagram)| Economic Botany
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