Archive | Recombinant DNA Technology

Cloning Vectors used in Recombinant DNA Technology: 3 Cloning Vectors

This article throws light upon the three types of cloning vectors used in recombinant DNA technology. The three types of cloning vectors are: (1) Bacteriophage (2) Phagemids and (3) Cosmids. Type # 1. Bacteriophage as Cloning Vectors: The plasmid based vectors used for cloning DNA molecules generally carry up to 10 kb of inserted DNA. However, for the formation of [...]

By |2015-10-16T06:31:05+00:00October 1, 2015|Recombinant DNA Technology|Comments Off on Cloning Vectors used in Recombinant DNA Technology: 3 Cloning Vectors

Top 5 Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology in Medicine

This article throws light upon the top five applications of recombinant DNA technology in medicine. The top five applications are: (1) Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases (2) DNA Typing (DNA Fingerprinting) (3) Gene Therapy (4) Recombinant DNA Technology in the Synthesis of Human Insulin and (5) Hepatitis B Vaccine. Application # 1. Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases: Most of us do not [...]

By |2015-10-16T06:34:21+00:00October 1, 2015|Recombinant DNA Technology|Comments Off on Top 5 Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology in Medicine
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