Archive | DNA

3 Phases of DNA Replication Process (With Diagram)

Read this article to learn about the three phases of DNA replication process. The three phases of replication process are: (1) Initiation (2) Elongation and (3) Termination. Replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes occurs by very similar mechanisms, and thus most of the information presented here for bacterial replication applies to eukaryotic cells as well. It is composed of three phases [...]

By |2015-10-16T06:38:12+00:00October 1, 2015|DNA Replication Process|Comments Off on 3 Phases of DNA Replication Process (With Diagram)

Pharmaceutical Products of Recombinant DNA Technology

The pharmaceutical products of recombinant DNA technology are broadly divided into the following three categories and briefly discussed with important examples: 1. Human protein replacements. 2. Therapeutic agents for human diseases. 3. Vaccines. Some authors do not make such categorization and consider all of them together as pharma­ceutically important products of biotechnology. Type # 1. Human Protein Replacements: The synthesis [...]

By |2015-09-29T17:01:42+00:00September 21, 2015|DNA|Comments Off on Pharmaceutical Products of Recombinant DNA Technology

Use of DNA in the Diagnosis of Infectious and Genetic Diseases

Read this article to learn about the use of DNA in the diagnosis of infectious and genetic diseases. A. DNA in the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases : The use of DNA analysis (by employing DNA probes) is a novel and revolutionary approach for specifically identifying the disease-causing pathogenic organisms. This is in contrast to the traditional methods of disease diagnosis [...]

By |2015-09-29T17:01:43+00:00September 15, 2015|Diagnosis|Comments Off on Use of DNA in the Diagnosis of Infectious and Genetic Diseases
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