Archive | Cell

Study of Plant Cell in an Onion Peel (With Diagram) | Hindi | Biology

Read this article in Hindi to learn about the study of plant cell in an onion peel, explained with the help of suitable diagrams. आवश्यक सामग्री: एक प्याज, चाकू या ब्लेड, वॉच-ग्लास, पानी, चिमटी, ड्रॉपर, आयोडीन का घोल, स्लाइड एवं कवर स्लिप । विधि: (i) एक प्याज लेकर चाकू अथवा ब्लेड से उसके लम्बवत् टुकड़े काट लीजिए । (ii) अब [...]

By |2017-03-08T18:37:50+00:00March 8, 2017|Plant Cell|Comments Off on Study of Plant Cell in an Onion Peel (With Diagram) | Hindi | Biology

Ribosomal RNA in Microbial Taxonomy | Cells

Everything you need to know about ribosomal RNA in microbial technology. Some of the questions are as follows:- Q.1. What is rRNA? Ans. The rRNA is ribosomal RNA of various sizes and forms the part of ribosomes. It comprises 90% of total RNA of the cell while the remainder part of the ribosomes comprises ribosomal proteins. Q.2. Give types of [...]

By |2016-12-20T11:20:30+00:00December 20, 2016|Cell|Comments Off on Ribosomal RNA in Microbial Taxonomy | Cells

Formation of Somatic Cell Hybrids | Genetics

In this article we will discuss about the mechanism of formation of somatic cell hybrids. It had been known since the 60's that somatic cells from the same or different species in culture could spontaneously fuse to form polyploid cells. The product of fusion was called homokaryon if the two parental cells came from the same species, and heterokaryon or [...]

By |2016-12-12T07:24:34+00:00December 12, 2016|Hybrid Cells|Comments Off on Formation of Somatic Cell Hybrids | Genetics
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