Archive | Cell Biology

Resistances to Gas-Liquid Interface and Bulk Mixing (With Diagram)

“Resistance is a measure of the mean separation distance between the bubble and organism, but it is not generally assumed to be constant within the liquid in any zone”. Three distinct resistances at the gas-liquid interface have been visualized. The first is concerned with gas film resistance. This encompasses the resistance between the bulk of the gas and the gas-liquid [...]

By |2015-08-27T07:13:38+00:00March 24, 2015|Cell Biology|Comments Off on Resistances to Gas-Liquid Interface and Bulk Mixing (With Diagram)

Mechanism and Parameters of Oxygen Transfer (With Diagram)

The simplest theory is the stationary film theory as proposed by Whitman and depicted in Fig. 5.2. A stationary liquid film is supposed to remain surrounding the cell, and it offers an additional resistance to oxygen uptake by the cells. The magnitude of this resistance can be conceived from the data on the respiration in yeast cells provided by Finn. [...]

By |2015-08-27T07:15:32+00:00March 24, 2015|Cell Biology|Comments Off on Mechanism and Parameters of Oxygen Transfer (With Diagram)

Oxygen Pathways in Cell Cultivations (With Diagram)

In all cell culture media, the aqueous solution of the substrate has two major components, water and substrate. During cultivation of cells in the medium, surface active material may be produced or need to be added for certain purposes. If oxygen or air is passed in the medium during cultivation, it has to be transferred to cells properly for its [...]

By |2015-08-27T07:15:45+00:00March 24, 2015|Cell Biology|Comments Off on Oxygen Pathways in Cell Cultivations (With Diagram)
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