Archive | Cell Biology

Specific Functions of the Golgi Apparatus (With Diagram)

Although a discussion of each of the functions of the Golgi apparatus in different kinds of cells and tissues is beyond the scope of this book, two important exam­ples are discussed below. A list of other well-studied cases is presented in Table 18-1. 1. Formation of the Cell Plate and Cell Wall in Plant Tissues: In plants, the cell plate [...]

By |2015-08-27T16:04:17+00:00September 26, 2014|Cell Biology|Comments Off on Specific Functions of the Golgi Apparatus (With Diagram)

7 Photochemical Reactions of Photosynthesis (With Diagram)

The Absorption of Light by Chlorophyll: The absorption of electromagnetic energy by any atom or molecule often involves a shift of electrons from one atomic orbital to another. Each electron pos­sesses energy, and the amount is determined by the lo­cation of the electron orbital in space and the velocity at which the electron moves. When an atom absorbs light energy, [...]

By |2015-08-27T16:05:00+00:00September 26, 2014|Cell Biology|Comments Off on 7 Photochemical Reactions of Photosynthesis (With Diagram)

3 Important Synthetic Reaction of Photosynthesis (With Diagram)

1. The Calvin Cycle: The elucidation of the sequence of chemical reactions that result in the incorporation of carbon dioxide into sugars and starches relied heavily on the use of radio­active isotopes. Using 14C-labeled carbon dioxide, it was possible to add 14CO2 at known times to an ac­tively photosynthesizing system, halt the process a short time later, and then identify [...]

By |2015-08-27T16:05:08+00:00September 26, 2014|Cell Biology|Comments Off on 3 Important Synthetic Reaction of Photosynthesis (With Diagram)
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