Archive | Blood

Characteristics of Plasma Protein | Biochemistry

The following points highlight the top three characteristics of plasma protein. The characteristics are: 1. Albumin 2. Globulins 3. Fibrinogen. Plasma Protein: Characteristic # 1. Albumin: a. About half of the total plasma proteins is albumin. b. It consists of 610 amino acids arranged in a single peptide chain. c. It has a molecular weight of about 69,000 and is [...]

By |2016-08-03T17:40:12+00:00August 3, 2016|Plasma Protein|Comments Off on Characteristics of Plasma Protein | Biochemistry

2 Main Heads of Catabolism | Hemoglobin

The following points highlight the two main heads of catabolism. The heads are: 1. Conversion of Hemoglobin to Bile Pigments 2. Metabolism of Bile Pigments. Catabolism: Head # 1. Conversion of Hemoglobin to Bile Pigments: a. About 8 grams of hemoglobin is broken down each day in the normal adult and this amount contains 27 mg of iron. The protoporphyrin [...]

By |2016-07-25T07:44:16+00:00July 25, 2016|Hemoglobin|Comments Off on 2 Main Heads of Catabolism | Hemoglobin

Abnormal Hemoglobin Derivatives| Biochemistry

The following points highlight the three major derivatives of abnormal hemoglobin. The derivatives are: 1. Met-hemoglobin 2. Sulfhemoglobin 3. Carboxyhemoglobin. Derivative # 1. Met-hemoglobin: a. This is an oxidized hemoglobin (ferrous iron is oxidized to ferric iron). Oxygen is in firm combination. b. It is incapable of functioning as an oxy­gen carrier. Cyanosis usually develops when the concentration of it [...]

By |2016-07-25T07:44:16+00:00July 25, 2016|Hemoglobin|Comments Off on Abnormal Hemoglobin Derivatives| Biochemistry
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