Archive | Biotechnology

Role of Plant Biotechnology in Horticulture

Read this article to learn about the role of plant biotechnology in horticulture. In vitro culture techniques have had numerous applications to fruit crops beginning nearly 60 years ago with embryo rescue techniques for stone fruits. Later on, the method has been applied successfully to produce commercially acceptable early-ripening peach and nectarine cultivars. The methods have been adapted to other [...]

By |2015-10-16T06:27:31+00:00October 1, 2015|Plant Biotechnology|Comments Off on Role of Plant Biotechnology in Horticulture

Impact of Plant Biotechnology on Forestry

Read this article to learn about the impact of plant biotechnology on forestry. Forest resources are disappearing at an alarming rate. An important component of forest ecosystem is trees, which provide food, fuel, construction and industrial products. In addition, trees are reorganized as the critical elements in maintaining stability in the world's atmosphere. Erosion of genetic variability is also a [...]

By |2015-10-16T06:27:38+00:00October 1, 2015|Plant Biotechnology|Comments Off on Impact of Plant Biotechnology on Forestry

Role of Plant Biotechnology in Medicines

Read this article to learn about the role of plant biotechnology in medicines. Medicinal plants or their extracts are used by humans since time immemorial for different ailments and provided valuable drugs such as analgesic (morphine), antitussive (codeine), antihypertensive (reserpine), cardio tonic (digoxin), antineoplastic (vinblastine and taxol) and antimalarial (quinine and artemisinin). Some of the plants which continues to be [...]

By |2015-10-16T06:27:50+00:00October 1, 2015|Plant Biotechnology|Comments Off on Role of Plant Biotechnology in Medicines
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