Archive | Biotechnology

Top 6 Characteristics of a Living Body

The following points highlight the top six characteristics of a living body. The characteristics are: 1. Complex Organization 2. Maintenance of Steady State 3. Growth 4. Reproduction 5. Adaptation 6. Evolution. Characteristic # 1. Complex Organization: Man has built up many complicated machi­nes which work with great precision. But the working of his own body machine has ex­ceeded all of [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:36:57+00:00May 27, 2016|Animal Biotechnology|Comments Off on Top 6 Characteristics of a Living Body

Top 6 Methods of DNA Polymorphism of a Genome

This article throws light upon the top six methods of DNA polymorphism of a genome. The methods are: 1. RFLP 2. RAPD 3. OAF 4. AP-PCR 5. AFLP 6. SSR. DNA Polymorphism of a Genome: Method # 1. RFLP: Restriction fragment length polymorphism. It is non-PCR based technique where genomic DNA is digested with restriction enzyme(s). The whole genetic material [...]

By |2016-03-03T06:21:24+00:00March 3, 2016|Plant Biotechnology|Comments Off on Top 6 Methods of DNA Polymorphism of a Genome

Ultrastructure of Eukaryotic Algal Cell (With Diagrams)

Ultrastructure of Eukaryotic Algal Cell: Chlamydomonas, a member of green algae (chlorophyceae) is found almost in all places. It is simple, motile, unicellular, fresh water alga. Its ultrastructure can be divided into following parts (Fig. 1, 2): Cell Wall of Eukaryotic Algal Cell: The cell is bounded by a thin, cellulose cell wall. Cellulose layer is finely striated with parallel [...]

By |2016-02-04T17:49:20+00:00February 4, 2016|Algae|Comments Off on Ultrastructure of Eukaryotic Algal Cell (With Diagrams)
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