Archive | Applications

Applications of Biotechnology in Environment | Cell Biology

The following points highlight the four main applications of biotechnology in environment. The applications are: 1. Waste Treatment 2. Biodegradation 3. Microorganisms in Pollution Control 4. Biomass Energy Production. Application # 1. Waste Treatment: The overall produc­tion of methane from organic wastes is a com­plex fermentation involving a number of groups of microorganisms (Methanogens, member of Archaebacteria). They utilize the [...]

By |2016-07-14T18:34:54+00:00July 14, 2016|Applications|Comments Off on Applications of Biotechnology in Environment | Cell Biology

Applications of Biotechnology in Agriculture

The following points highlight the four main applications of biotechnology in agriculture:- 1. Micro-propagation 2. Induction and Selection of Mutant 3. Production of Somatic Hybrids 4. Production of Transgenic Plants. Application # 1. Micro-propagation: Mass propagation of crop and forest plants is an important applica­tion of micro-propagation technique. The deve­lopment of embryos from somatic cells in culture resulted in artificial [...]

By |2016-07-14T18:34:52+00:00July 14, 2016|Applications|Comments Off on Applications of Biotechnology in Agriculture

Applications of Biotechnology in Industry and Healthcare

The following points highlight the seven main applications of biotechnology in industry and healthcare. The applications are: 1. Improvement in Fermentation Products 2. Microbial Production of Synthetic Fuels 3. Microbial Mining or Bioleaching 4. Microbial Biomass and Single Cell Pro­tein Production 5. Production of Enzymes and Human Proteins and Others. Applications of Biotechnology in Industry and Healthcare: Improvement in Fermentation [...]

By |2016-07-14T18:34:49+00:00July 14, 2016|Applications|Comments Off on Applications of Biotechnology in Industry and Healthcare
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