Archive | Biophysics

Top 6 Methods for Deduction of Radioactivity

The following points highlight the top 6 methods for deduction of radioactivity. The methods are: 1. Ionization 2. Ionization Chambers 3. Gesger Counters 4. Semi-Conductor Detectors 5. Scintillation 6. Autoradiography. 1. Ionization: The passage of high energy radiation through matter results in the formation of ions as a result of collision of electrons with atoms. So much energy is transferred [...]

By |2016-07-10T17:01:44+00:00July 10, 2016|Biophysics|Comments Off on Top 6 Methods for Deduction of Radioactivity

Indicators: Definition, Characteristics and Uses | Biophysics

Indicators: Definition, Characteristics and Uses! Definition: Certain dyes which can determine the hydro­gen ions in a solution are said to be Indicators. Characteristics: 1. The dyes are weak acids (or, less com­monly, weak bases). 2. They have the property of dissociating in solution to yield ions of different colours from the un-dissociated molecules. 3. The pH at which dissociation will [...]

By |2016-07-10T17:01:44+00:00July 10, 2016|Biophysics|Comments Off on Indicators: Definition, Characteristics and Uses | Biophysics

Diffusion: Definition, Characteristics and Role

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Diffusion 2. Characteristics of Diffusion 3. Physiological Role. Definition of Diffusion: The spreading of solute molecules through­out the water molecules is called diffusion. Experiment: When a lump of sugar is added to a glass of water, the sugar gradually disappears and, ultimately, a homogeneous solution is formed auto­matically. This is [...]

By |2016-07-10T17:01:44+00:00July 10, 2016|Biophysics|Comments Off on Diffusion: Definition, Characteristics and Role
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