Archive | Biophysics

Viscosity: Meaning and Top 4 Factors

In this article we will discuss about the Meaning and Factors of Viscosity. Definition of Viscosity: The resistance experienced by one layer of a liquid in moving over another layer is called "vis­cosity". Viscosity varies greatly. Ether and gasoline have little viscosity and are quite mobile. But honey and coal-tar have high viscosities. The unit of viscosity is the "Poise", [...]

By |2016-07-10T17:01:45+00:00July 10, 2016|Biophysics|Comments Off on Viscosity: Meaning and Top 4 Factors

Top 16 Properties of Acidity and Alkalinity | Biophysics

The following points highlight the top sixteen properties of acidity and alkalinity. 1. The reaction of the tissues and tissue fluids of the body is nearly natural excepting gastric juice. The slight changes in reaction have a significant physiological effect. In case the reaction of the so­lution is made slightly more acid or more alkaline, the heart stops. 2. Acidity [...]

By |2016-07-10T17:01:45+00:00July 10, 2016|Biophysics|Comments Off on Top 16 Properties of Acidity and Alkalinity | Biophysics

Indicators: Definition, Characteristics and Uses | Biophysics

Indicators: Definition, Characteristics and Uses! Definition: Certain dyes which can determine the hydro­gen ions in a solution are said to be Indicators. Characteristics: 1. The dyes are weak acids (or, less com­monly, weak bases). 2. They have the property of dissociating in solution to yield ions of different colours from the un-dissociated molecules. 3. The pH at which dissociation will [...]

By |2016-07-10T17:01:44+00:00July 10, 2016|Biophysics|Comments Off on Indicators: Definition, Characteristics and Uses | Biophysics
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