Archive | Biodiversity

Bioinformatics: Databases, Tools and Implications for Biodiversity

Read this article to learn about databases, tools and implications of bioinformatics for biodiversity. What is Bioinformatics? Roughly, bioinformatics describe any use of computers to handle biological information. In practice, a narrower definition is used: bioinformatics is a synonym for "computational molecular biology"—the use of computers to characterize the molecular components of living things. Most biologists talk about "doing bioinformatics" [...]

By |2015-08-27T19:21:43+00:00August 24, 2015|Bioinformatics|Comments Off on Bioinformatics: Databases, Tools and Implications for Biodiversity

Biodiversity and Biomarker Potential of Soil Fauna – by V.C Roy

This article provides an overview on biodiversity and biomarker potential of soil fauna. Introduction: Biodiversity denotes the variety and variability of living organisms and refers to the unique characteristic of all organisms that no two individuals are identical. According to Solbrig (2000) diversity is a property, not an entity in itself. This attribute, combined with natural selection, have produced the [...]

By |2015-08-27T19:25:56+00:00August 24, 2015|Biodiversity|Comments Off on Biodiversity and Biomarker Potential of Soil Fauna – by V.C Roy

Plant Diversity and Its Monitoring through DNA Amplification – by Rajat Kanti Chaudhuri

This article provides an overview on plant diversity and its monitoring through DNA amplification. Introduction: Perhaps, the most intriguing part on earth is its immense biological diversity. In twenty-first century, why one should be concerned about it? The Answer Lies in its Three Main Components: (i) Genetic (DNA) diversity, (ii) Species diversity and (iii) Ecosystem diversity. When one discusses biodiversity [...]

By |2015-08-27T19:26:42+00:00August 24, 2015|Biodiversity|Comments Off on Plant Diversity and Its Monitoring through DNA Amplification – by Rajat Kanti Chaudhuri
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