Archive | Biodiversity

Variation in Species and Habitats in Ecology and Its Measurement

Read this article to learn about the variation of species and habitats in the ecology and its measurement. Introduction: Great variation is observed in the natural world and our earth holds an immense variety of habitats and ecosystem. These habitats and ecosystems shelter a vast group of living organisms in the form of innumerable number of species. All of this [...]

By |2015-08-27T19:27:15+00:00August 24, 2015|Species|Comments Off on Variation in Species and Habitats in Ecology and Its Measurement

Study Notes on Conservation of Biodiversity

This article provides study notes on conservation of biodiversity. Meeting Basic Human Needs: The living world harbours numerous life-forms in all possible natural habitats. Each of the major ecosystems—viz. Mountains, Forests, Desert, Freshwater, Marine Water, Islands etc.—provided a set-up for evolutionary panorama. From one-celled organisms to the highest form of animals, from fungus to the large banyan tree, each one [...]

By |2015-08-27T19:27:27+00:00August 24, 2015|Conservation|Comments Off on Study Notes on Conservation of Biodiversity

Application of Biotechnology to Biodiversity and Its Impacts

Read this article to learn about the application of biotechnology to biodiversity and its impacts. Application of Biotechnology to Biodiversity: Application of biotechnology (particularly genetic engineering) to improve the crop plants, medicinal plants, livestock, and microbes and to get new products from various biological systems is a fast growing sector. This sector is expected to contribute up to 50% of [...]

By |2015-08-27T19:27:45+00:00August 24, 2015|Application|Comments Off on Application of Biotechnology to Biodiversity and Its Impacts
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