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Sense Organs and Endocrine System of Human Body (with diagram)

What are Sense organs? Sight, hearing and balance, smell and taste are called the special senses. There are separate organs located on various body parts for particular senses. These organs are called sense organs; e.g., for sight, there is a pair of eyes; for hearing and balancing, a pair of ears; for smell, one muscular structure, the nose and for [...]

By |2015-08-27T16:59:34+00:00July 19, 2014|Articles|Comments Off on Sense Organs and Endocrine System of Human Body (with diagram)

Lymphatic System: Meaning, Functions and Other Details (with diagram)

Meaning: Plasma and leucocytes are leaked out through the capillary wall, when the blood flows through the capillary within the tissues. This leaked out fluid is known as tissue fluid and is reabsorbed into blood. Most of this fluid enters into small vessels known as lymph vessels. The lymph vessels resemble veins due to their thin walls and presence of [...]

By |2015-08-27T17:00:40+00:00July 19, 2014|Articles|Comments Off on Lymphatic System: Meaning, Functions and Other Details (with diagram)

Micro-Environmental Study in Suryamaninagar of Tripura, North-East India

Functional effect of environmental factors (physical, chemical, biological and anthropological) in a small area can be defined as 'micro-environment'. Highlands have a specific micro-environmental significance as they have some specific micro-level environmental characters due to elevation, slope, soil condition, and groundwater conditions etc., which influence the local ecology. Tripura, a peripheral state of North-East India is marked by its geomorphic [...]

By |2015-08-27T17:00:47+00:00July 4, 2014|Articles|Comments Off on Micro-Environmental Study in Suryamaninagar of Tripura, North-East India
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