Archive | Transgenic Animals

Production of Transgenic Animals using Virus as a Vector

Read this article to learn about the production of transgenic animals using virus as a vector. A review of the literature shows that to date the only successful method to produce transgenic rabbits, pigs, sheep, goats and cattle is DNA-microinjection technique into the pro-nucleus. Rabbits: Rabbits are used as experimental models in gene transfer experiments. In 1985, the successful production [...]

By |2015-10-16T06:30:54+00:00October 1, 2015|Transgenic Animals|Comments Off on Production of Transgenic Animals using Virus as a Vector

Methods for Introducing A Foreign Gene into Transgenic Mice

This article throws light upon the three methods used for introducing a foreign gene into transgenic mice. The three methods are: (1) Retroviral Vector Method (2) Microinjection Method and (3) Embryonic Stem Cell Method. Methods for Introducing a Foreign Gene: Method # 1. Retroviral Vector Method: The transfer of small pieces (8 kb) of DNA can be effectively carried out [...]

By |2015-10-16T09:41:02+00:00September 28, 2015|Transgenic Animals|Comments Off on Methods for Introducing A Foreign Gene into Transgenic Mice

Applications of Transgenic Mice

Read this article to learn about the various applications of transgenic mice. Mouse, although not close to humans in its biology, has been and continues to be the most exploited animal model in trans-genesis experiments. The common feature between man and mouse is that both are mammals. Transgenic mice are extensively used as animal models for understanding human diseases and [...]

By |2015-10-16T09:41:23+00:00September 28, 2015|Transgenic Animals|Comments Off on Applications of Transgenic Mice
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