Archive | Animals

Species of Trypanosoma | Microbiology

The following points highlight the four important species of Trypanosoma for which man is host. The species are: 1. Trypanosoma Gambiense 2. Trypanosoma Rhodesiense 3. Trypanosoma Cruzi 4. Trypanosoma Rangeli. Species # 1. Trypanosoma Gambiense: It was discovered by Forde in 1901. Sir David Bruce reported that sleeping sickness is transmitted by tseitseily. T. gambiense is the causative agent of [...]

By |2016-06-02T03:49:29+00:00June 2, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on Species of Trypanosoma | Microbiology

Species of Trichomonas | Phylum Protozoa

The following points highlight the three important species of Trichomonas for which man is host. The species are: 1. Trichomonas Vaginalis 2. Trichomonas Hominis 3. Trichomonas Tenax. Species # 1. Trichomonas Vaginalis: This is largest of three trichomonads of man. It averages about 13 um in length. The undulating membrane usually reaches to the middle of the body, but it [...]

By |2016-06-02T03:49:29+00:00June 2, 2016|Phylum Protozoa|Comments Off on Species of Trichomonas | Phylum Protozoa

Ctenophores: Structure, Development and Affinities

In this article we will discuss about Ctenophores:- 1. Shape and Size of Ctenophores 2. Structure of Ctenophores 3. Sense Organs 4. Body Wall 5. Digestive System 6. Respiratory and Excretory System 7. Nervous System 8. Reproductive System and Development 9. Affinities. Shape and Size of Ctenophores: The name Ctenophora was coined by Eschscholtz in 1829 for a group of [...]

By |2016-06-02T03:49:13+00:00June 2, 2016|Marine Animals|Comments Off on Ctenophores: Structure, Development and Affinities
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