Archive | Dicotyledons

Comparison among Acanthaceae, Verbenaceae and Lamiaceae

Learn about the comparison among Acanthaceae, Verbenaceae and Lamiaceae. Comparison # Acanthaceae: 1. Habit-Herb or shrubs with swollen nodes. 2. Leaves-Simple, opposite and decussate. 3. Inflorescence-Spike or cymose, bracts and bracteoles prominent. 4. Flower-Zygomorphic, ☿, hypogynous. 5. Calyx-Sepals 5, gamopetalous, unequal. 6. Corolla-Petals 5, gamopetalous, bilabiate, oblique. 7. Androecium-Stamens 2+2 or 2, hairy or spurred anthers. 8. Gynoecium-Carpels (2), superior. [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:16:29+00:00August 30, 2016|Dicotyledons|Comments Off on Comparison among Acanthaceae, Verbenaceae and Lamiaceae

Comparison between Rutaceae and Meliaceae

Learn about the comparison between Rutaceae and Meliaceae. Comparison # Rutaceae: 1. Habit-Shrubs, trees rarely herbs. 2. Leaves-Simple or pinnately compound, gland dotted. 3. Inflorescence-Cymose or variable. 4. Calayx-Sepals 3-5, gamosepalous. 5. Corolla-Petals 3-5, polypetalous, rarely absent. 6. Androecium-Stamens 3-10-α, free, attached to disc. 7. Gynoecium-Carpels 2-4-5, syncarpous, ovary superior, axile placentation. 8. Fruit-Capsule or hespiridium. 9. Floral formula Comparison [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:16:29+00:00August 30, 2016|Dicotyledons|Comments Off on Comparison between Rutaceae and Meliaceae

Comparison among Papilionaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Mimosaceae

Learn about the comparison among Papilionaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Mimosaceae. Comparison # Papilionaceae: 1. Habit-Mostly herbs, rarely shrubs and a few trees. 2. Leaves-Imparipinnate. 3. Inflorescence-Racemose. 4. Flower-Zygomorphic. 5. Calyx-Sepals 5, gamosepalous, odd sepal anterior. 6. Corolla-Pelals 5, papilionaceous, with posterior largest, standard, 2 lateral wings and 2 anterior united keel. Aestivation descending imbricate or vexillary. 7. Androecium-Stamens 10, usually diadelphous [...]

By |2016-08-30T17:16:29+00:00August 30, 2016|Dicotyledons|Comments Off on Comparison among Papilionaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Mimosaceae
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