In this article we will discuss about the Conditions and Classification of Renal Calculi.

Conditions of Renal Calculi Formation:

a. Low urine volume due to warm climates or low intake of water.

b. Consumption of diets rich in calcium, phosphates, oxalates and purines.

c. Conditions accelerating increased excre­tion of uric acid, oxalic acid, calcium, and phosphates in urine.

d. Urine infection and stagnation.

Classification of Renal Calculi:

Renal Calculi can be classified into the fol­lowing four groups:

a. Calculi due to Calcium Oxalate and Phos­phates:

High concentration of calcium oxalates and phosphates in urine forms stones which are hard, white, and radio-opaque.

b. Urate Stones:

This is due to hyperuricemia and gout. These stones are usually small and yellowish brown in colour.

c. Cystine Stones:

These are rare but only happens in cystinuria.

d. Xanthine Stones:

These are also rare but only happens in xanthinuria.