In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Flora 2. Flora Writing 3. Utility 4. Monograph.
Meaning of Flora:
“Flora is a systematic account of plants of a defined geographical area and provides keys and descriptions of plants for identification”.
Primary Flora helps in identification of species. It also provides other data like local or vernacular name, distribution, botanical name used, description of a particular plant.
The flora contains description and other details of the plants of the region, i.e., it is listing of plants of the region or area.
Flora Writing:
(i) Firstly the area is to be identified to study the flora, e.g., it may be district, comissionary and so on.
(ii) Geography of the identified area is to be defined and the map is to be presented.
(iii) Get all relevant environmental information of the area. Provide a detailed account of ecology of the area, (e.g., maximum and minimum temperature, rainfall, water bodies, major habitats, soil condition, physiographic regions etc.)
(iv) Identify floristic zones or ecological habitats within the area.
(v) Extensive field survey for study of vegetation and collection of all plants time to time.
(vi) Field book is to be maintained for the plants collected including its field number and description, local name, frequency, phenology etc.
(vii) All the specimens (plants) collected are to be identified with the help of other regional and local flora. The specimen is to be confirmed by matching it with authentic sheets in any regional herbarium of Botanical Survey of India.
(viii) Nomenclature of the species with the help of monograph of Flora with the names which are confirmed by ICBN.
(ix) Author citation is to be checked for a new species.
(x) Provide botanical keys for identification of all families, genera and species.
(xi) Description of the species should be in accordance with the actual specimen collected from the area.
(xii) New species found, if any, should be described and published following the norms of ICBN.
(xiii) Generally in a flora the families are arranged according to an accepted classification. It was Benthan and Hooker’s system mostly but in recent times some of flora adopt Cronquist’s system of classification.
A species must include:
(a) Correct name
(b) Vernacular name
(c) Clear description with variation
(d) Distributional data
(e) Ecological condition
(f) Uses
(g) Conservation status
(h) Native or exotic origin
(i) Specimens examined from the area
Flora Should Contain:
(a) Title
(b) Geography
(c) Environmental condition
(d) Taxonomic treatment
(i) Nomenclature
(ii) Vernacular name
(iii) Description
(iv) Cultivar if any
(v) Phenology
(vi) Distribution
(vii) Ecological data
(viii) Use
(ix) Conservation status
(x) Origin
(xi) List of voucher specimens
(e) Summary statistics
(f) Bibliography
(g) Illustration
(h) Index
Summary of the work should be given in 2-3 pages which should include total number of families, genera, species number of exotic and native species, Rare and endemic species etc., in a graphic tabular form. Recent day computer is used to work it out.
Palmer (1995) Provided Abundance Scale:
Utility of Flora:
Flora is a valuable document for college and university teachers, students of Botany and Agriculture. It is used to identify the plants. It is useful in Biodiversity assessment and management. Flora is useful in forest management, ecosystem and land management. It provides basic information of plants in the area. Flora is useful in Development of Botanical Garden and Park.
Flora may be made for particular use as medicinal or drug plants for pharmaceutical and Ayurvedic companies, seed companies etc. Flora helps in planning a city, village or town. It is also useful in Assessment of rare and endangered species and vegetation study etc. Flora helps in evaluation of phytogeography pattern.
Monograph of Flora:
It is the study of a taxon (genus, or family) regardless of geographical occurrence. Monographic studies provide keys, description, correct nomenclature and even the evolution of the taxon. Monograph is written after very intensive investigation and survey of the area. It is also includes studies of pollination behaviour, seed dispersal and physiological adaptation.