This article throws light upon the top three types of meat yielding animals. The types are: 1. Sheep 2. Goat 3. Pig/Swine.

Meat Yielding Animal: Type # 1.


Sheep is the second largest species reared by mankind and it provides wool, meat, milk and hide. Their droppings form good manure.

Important breeds of sheep in India are as follows:

Breeds, Origin and Wool Production

Exotic Breeds:

The main exotic breeds of sheep are Toggenberg, Saanen, French, Alpine and Nuibian and Angora.

Meat Yielding Animal: Type # 2.


Important breeds of goats used primarily for milk, cheese, mohair and meat. There are about 19 well known Indian breeds, apart from a number of local non­descript breeds that are scattered throughout the country.

The breeds are mentioned below on the basis of their location.

Breeds, Origin and Remarks

Breeds, Origin and Remarks

Meat Yielding Animal: Type # 3.


Pig farming is gaining importance in India. Pigs provide only 8% of total meat production in our country. Pig skin, fat and hair are required for leather soap, oil, hair-brush industry respectively. Pig manure is rich in nitrogen phosphorus and potassium.

Pigs contribute about 5% of total meat production in India, and constitute a rich source of animal protein available at low cost. The calorific value of Pork (pig s meat) is much more than the other edible meats. Pigs can feed on farm waste, garbage and spoiled grains.Breed and Distribution