Tag Archives | Xanthophyceae

9 Main Characteristics of Xanthophyceae

The following points highlight the nine main characteristics of Xanthophyceae. 1. Members of Xanthophyceae are commonly fresh water (Tribonema) and most of them are free floating. [Few members are found to grow on mud (Botrydium) and also on walls or tree trunks (Characiopsis, Ophiocytium etc.). A few members like Halosphaera are marine. 2. Plant body is unicellular (Heterochloris) or multicellular. [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:16:41+00:00August 24, 2016|Algae|Comments Off on 9 Main Characteristics of Xanthophyceae

Vaucheria: Occurrence, Features and Reproduction

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Occurrence of Vaucheria 2. Plant Body of Vaucheria 3. Features 4. Reproduction 5. Taxonomic Status 6. Life Cycle. Occurrence of Vaucheria: The genus Vaucheria (named after J. P. Vaucher) is represented by about 54 species, out of which 9 species are found in India. Most of the members are terrestrial (V. geminata, [...]

By |2016-08-24T10:16:40+00:00August 24, 2016|Algae|Comments Off on Vaucheria: Occurrence, Features and Reproduction
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