Tag Archives | Water Vascular System

Structures of Water Vascular System in Asterias

The following points highlight the eight different structures of water vascular system in Asterias. The structures are: 1. Madreporite 2. Stone Canal 3. Ring Canal 4. Polian Vesicles 5. Tiedmann's Bodies 6. Radial Canals 7. Lateral or Podial Canals 8. Tube-Feet (Podia) and Ampulla. Structure # 1. Madreporite: The water vascular system starts with the madreporite and gives off a [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:32:20+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Echinodermata|Comments Off on Structures of Water Vascular System in Asterias

Water Vascular System of Echinoderms

In this article we will discuss about Water Vascular System of Echinoderms:- 1. Introduction to Water Vascular System 2. Contents of Water Vascular System 3. General Plan 4. Modifications 5. Functions. Introduction to Water Vascular System: The water vascular system is enterocoelic in oriĀ­gin and arises from the left hydrocoel. It exhibits radial symmetry from the beginning and is equally [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:31:32+00:00May 27, 2016|Phylum Echinodermata|Comments Off on Water Vascular System of Echinoderms
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