Tag Archives | Wastewater Management

Sewage Sludge as Soil Conditioner in Kuwait

4In this article we will discuss about the sewage sludge as soil conditioner in Kuwait. Dr. Samir AI-Ghawas Research Scientist Aridland Agriculture Department Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research P.O. Box 24885, 13109 Safat, Kuwait Introduction: The use of soil surface layer as a disposal medium is potentially an efficient, environmentally sound and economically accepted solution to the problem of waste [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:43:18+00:00March 4, 2017|Kuwait|Comments Off on Sewage Sludge as Soil Conditioner in Kuwait

Reuse of Sewage Effluents for Irrigation | Wastewater Management

In this article we will discuss about the reuse of sewage effluents for irrigation. Atta. F. El-Wakeel and Bauomy M. El-Nashar Soil, Water & Environment Research Institute Agricultural, Research, Centern, Giza, Egypt O.A. Al-Hamad Faculty of Agriculture Aleppo University, Syria Abstract: Since water is a critical component for sustainable development, it is clearly indicate that Egypt has to depend for [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:43:18+00:00March 4, 2017|Wastewater Management|Comments Off on Reuse of Sewage Effluents for Irrigation | Wastewater Management

Metals Budget between Wastewater, Treated Water and Soil

In this article we will discuss about the metals budget between wastewater, treated water and soil. F. Abosamra* and O. Assi Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (HIAST), P.O. Box 31983, Syria, Damascus Abstract: This report describes the elimination-concentration procedures for metals in domestic waste water, treated water, sludge and soil. Two types of biological waste treatment were considered: [...]

By |2017-03-04T09:43:18+00:00March 4, 2017|Wastewater Management|Comments Off on Metals Budget between Wastewater, Treated Water and Soil
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