Tag Archives | Underground Stems

Drugs Obtained from Underground Stems | Medicinal Plants

The following points highlight the top four types of drugs obtained from underground stems. The types are: 1. Turmeric 2. Mango Ginger 3. Garlic 4. Ginger. Type # 1. Turmeric: Curcuma longa Linn., of family Zingiberaceae; Eng. Turmeric; Hindi— Haldi; Sanskrit—Haridra; Hindi, Bengali, Marathi and Gujarati—Haldi, Halada; Tamil—Manjat, Telugu—Pasupa; Kdnnada—Arishina. A herb, cultivated commonly in Maharashtra, Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:10:10+00:00September 16, 2016|Medicinal Plants|Comments Off on Drugs Obtained from Underground Stems | Medicinal Plants

Condiments Obtained from Underground Stems

The following points highlight the top three condiments obtained from underground stems. The condiments are: 1. Onion 2. Garlic 3. Zerumbet Ginger. Condiment # 1. Onion: Allium cepa Linn; English—Onion; Hindi—Piyaz', Tamil—Vella-vengayam, irullu, Telugu— Vulli-gaddalu, Kannada—Vengayam, nirulli-, Malayalam—Bawang. They are cultivated all over Ir.dia. Onion seed will not keep for certain more than one year. The selected bulbs be planted, [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:09:48+00:00September 16, 2016|Economic Botany|Comments Off on Condiments Obtained from Underground Stems

Drugs Obtained from Underground Stems | Medicinal Plants

The following points highlight the top four types of drugs obtained from underground stems. The types are: 1. Turmeric 2. Mango Ginger 3. Garlic 4. Ginger. Type # 1. Turmeric: Curcuma longa Linn., of family Zingiberaceae; Eng. Turmeric; Hindi— Haldi; Sanskrit—Haridra; Hindi, Bengali, Marathi and Gujarati—Haldi, Halada; Tamil—Manjat, Telugu—Pasupa; Kdnnada—Arishina. A herb, cultivated commonly in Maharashtra, Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra [...]

By |2016-09-16T08:09:38+00:00September 16, 2016|Medicinal Plants|Comments Off on Drugs Obtained from Underground Stems | Medicinal Plants
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