Top 13 Types of Fish (With Diagram) | Phylum Chordata
The following poionts highlight the top thirteen types of fish. The types are: 1. Cetorhinus (Family Lamnidae) 2. Pristis (Family Pristidae) 3. Sphyrna (Family Sphyrnidae) 4. Polypterus (Bichir) (Family Polypteridae) 5. Acipenser (Family Acipenseridae) 6. Amia (Family Amiidae) 7. Lepisosteus (Family Lepidosteidae) 8. Exocoetus (Family Exocoetidae) 9. Echeneis (Family Echeneidae) 10. Lophius (Family Lophiidae) and Others. Type # 1. Cetorhinus [...]