Tag Archives | Theories

Top 3 Theories of Plasma Membrane

The following points highlight the top three theories of plasma membrane. The theories are: 1. Lamellar Theory 2. Unit Membrane Theory 3. Micellar Theory. 1. Lamellar Theory: "Sandwitch model" proposed by Danielli and Davson (1935), the plasma membrane exhibit trilaminar structure i.e., a lipid layer is bounded by protein layer on both the sides. In this model, proteins are usually [...]

By |2016-07-12T12:27:23+00:00July 12, 2016|Plasma Membrane|Comments Off on Top 3 Theories of Plasma Membrane

Top 6 Theories Regarding the Origin of Metazoa

The following points highlight the top six theories regarding the origin of metazoa. The theories are: 1. Syncytial-Ciliate Theory 2. Colonial Flagellate Theory 3. Colonial Blastea and Planula Theories 4. Gastraea Theory 5. Monophyletic Origin of Metazoans 6. Polyphyletic Origin of Metazoans. 1. Syncytial-Ciliate Theory: The origin of metazoans probably took place through the growth, nuclear division and cellularisation of [...]

By |2016-05-27T11:31:16+00:00May 27, 2016|Metazoa|Comments Off on Top 6 Theories Regarding the Origin of Metazoa

Theories about the Ancestors of Angiosperms

The following points highlight the top nine theories about ancestors of angiosperms. Some of the theories are: 1. The Isoetes - Monocotyledon Theory 2. The Coniferales-Amentiferae Theory 3. The Gnetaies'-Angiosperm Theory 4. The Anthostrobilus (Bennettitalean) Theory 5. The Caytonialean Theory 6. The Stachyospory-Phyllospermae Theory 7. The Pteridosperm Theory and Others. 1. The Isoetes - Monocotyledon Theory: This theory was proposed [...]

By |2016-05-12T07:42:04+00:00May 12, 2016|Angiosperms|Comments Off on Theories about the Ancestors of Angiosperms
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