Tag Archives | Taxonomy

Phenetic Versus Phylogen Characters in Taxonomy

In this article we will discuss about Phenetic Versus Phylogen Characters in Taxonomy. Phylogenetic Characters in Taxonomy: Phyletic or Evolutionary or Phylogenetic characters are used primarily in phylogenetic classification. The term Phylogenetic is used in many ways. Haeckel (1886) used the term in evolutionary history of a group. Recently a particular approach to classification (cladism) have used phylogentic to refer [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:59:04+00:00July 12, 2016|Taxonomy|Comments Off on Phenetic Versus Phylogen Characters in Taxonomy

8 Main Phytogeography Regions of India | Taxonomy

The following points highlight the eight main Phytogeography regions of India. The regions are: 1. Flora of Deccan 2. Flora of Malabar 3. Flora of Indus Plain 4. Flora of Gangetic Plain 5. Flora of Assam 6. Flora of Eastern Himalayas 7. Flora of Central Himalayas 8. Flora of Western Himalaya. Phytogeography Region # 1. Flora of Deccan: Deccan includes [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:59:04+00:00July 12, 2016|Taxonomy|Comments Off on 8 Main Phytogeography Regions of India | Taxonomy

Plant Exploration in India

In India the literature which is available stating about plants is very old. It was in the time of Vedas that the importance of plants as known to people. At that time the plants were explored and classified on the basis of their utility e.g., as medicinal, food, fibre etc. In Rigveda the complete utility of plants was given as [...]

By |2016-07-12T13:59:04+00:00July 12, 2016|Taxonomy|Comments Off on Plant Exploration in India
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